Friday, July 1, 2011

Profitable Dreams Welcome Here

Yesterday during some corporate feel goodery, we were challenged to think about what our dream is during the quarterly staff meeting.  It was quickly followed up by letting us know that we should pursue it on our own time unless it would be profitable for the Agency.  Nevertheless, it got me thinking.
One of my dreams is to win the lottery.  This is highly unlikely due to the statistical odds, especially when you take into account the fact that I do not play the lottery.  Luckily my friend Dave has pledged $3MM to Andrew and I if he wins “big” so we can be available for afternoon slip n’ slides and mid-week sandwich/beer consumption.  So let’s just say that steps have been taken to secure this dream.  (Note to self:  Confirm Dave actually plays the lottery.)
Another dream – and the one that came to mind first – is to write a book.  Here are my excuses for not starting this in any sense:
·         I have no ideas for a plot whatsoever.  (Click here for evidence.)
·         Based on the popularity of this blog, I don’t think there is what we marketers would call “demand.”
·         My writing is so interesting that my #1 Reader Kiley A) has known me since middle school and B) has demanded photos to sustain her interest.  Not a good sign.
·         Bookworm attention span falters by fourth paragraph.
In conclusion, if any of you have outlines for a four paragraph book idea, please submit through the rarely working (or so it would seem) “comments” feature on this blog.  I look forward to stealing from you.


  1. one of my dreams is also to win the lottery. it was actually more of a career path before i ended up in my fallback path.

  2. You make me laugh! Miss ya neighbor:)
