Thursday, September 26, 2013

Despite Exposure to Good Writing, Blogger Has Zero Skills in Writing Things

Here is the formula for writing this blog:

1. Read a book, likely involving WW2 or other sadness categories (like being poor, diseases).
2. Somehow combine that with a rant about airlines or laundry.
3. Loosely tie in – or make no effort whatsoever to tie in – a photo of my gorgeous baby or handsome dog.

Might I be in a bit of a rut?

After reading Mindy Kaling’s book recently, I watched The Mindy Project and thought it was so funny.  I was all like “I should write a TV show!” and then immediately realized I can barely write this blog.  So, with that said…

1.  I just finished Crossing the Borders of Time: A True Story of War, Exile, and Love Reclaimed by Leslie Maitland.  I did not know there was a piece of non-fiction out there that could feature World War II and Ayn Rand THE PERSON as a character, but this book did it. 

I am too lazy to summarize plotlines, but this is a unique story of escape from The Reich to Cuba, and then to the United States.  Maitland writes her mom’s biography which is an unbelievable love story that is sort of given away by the title.  This is a good book that you should read.

2. I have a lot of laundry to do!
3. This:

World's Best Baby & World's Best Dog unite for photo opp.
One more willingly than the other.

Monday, September 9, 2013

To Do List Includes Laundry and Getting Jane Into College

Since becoming a Mom I have noticed that I am never “done” with anything really.  There is always more laundry, more friends I owe phone calls to, more family I should visit, more photos to print, etc.  I am not saying this to complain – of that list only the laundry part is no fun.  But the fact is, there is always more I can do.  Until Jane goes to Harvard anyway.  Then I can finally say, “There, done, Jane is going to Harvard” and start on a shopping list for her dorm room.

This is a lot of buildup to say that I finished a book in two weeknights without bailing on any of my motherly duties.  Which is an even longer build up to say Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling is a short book and a fun read. 

You may know Mindy as Kelly Kapoor on The Office where she was a writer and producer as well.  Her book feels like a series of essays about her background, how she became a TV writer and her general point of view on critical issues like what a best friend’s role is.  Also, there are pictures.  Nice.

This book is a perfect beach or airplane read.  I brought it on an airplane to the beach, read none of it, and started it at home.  That works too.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Just Because You Are Friends Doesn’t Mean You Will Like Their Books

Top Reader Katherine is a great friend.  However, I should have known better than to take a book recommendation from her.  What was I thinking?  This is a person who – wait for it – has seen and likes all of the Transformers movies.  Also, when I was looking for her guest post to reference on my blog, I did a search for the word “submarine” since there was no way I would remember the title of the book she found/read.   I just assumed it was about subs – I was close, it was about Marines.

(Katherine, no offense but after multiple failed search terms including “guest post” which is in the first sentence, I found your post by searching “lazy.”  Blame blogspot.)

Ok, so all that to say that when TR Katherine lent me The Red Garden by Alice Hoffman, I should have known to politely say “no thanks” and ask if she wanted to eat Subway sandwiches together.  (The answer is always yes.)  I read about 50 pages of this book and could not make a go of it.  Worse, I went on vacation with it and read zero pages.  That’s right.  I used to plan vacations around what was the most scenic place to read a book and drink a beer, and I read zero pages on vacation.  Sure, I have a 7 month old and had to entertain her for roughly 24 hours of travel time, but still. 

In conclusion, Katherine I trust your taste in the important things: sandwiches, cocktails and dresses.  Not books.

Terrible place for book reading.
Lake Tahoe - Tahoe City, CA

Baby at DFW demands entertainment.
One leg into the journey is not impressed by my material.