Sunday, July 29, 2012

Harsh Review is Potentially Unnecessary, But What the Hell I Will Just Post It Since Like 5 of My Friends and My Mom Might Check This

In Zanesville: A Novel  by Jo Ann Beard is not a good book.  It’s labeled as a “coming of age novel” which I think authors put on the back of books to make you think of The Catcher in the Rye.  Then they write at least one paragraph about girls getting periods and they think they are done.

In this book, nothing happens.  It’s as if the author literally followed a teenage girl around for a few weeks and just documented it – no real reason for a beginning, middle or end.  None of that traditional plot climax stuff here, folks.

I did like one sentence in the book on page 208 in case you just want to read that.  The main characters thinks to herself “This is the worst day of my life.  Unless you count yesterday.”  I probably thought that 1,000 times when I was in high school, likely related to problems like hating all my sneakers or having to take Geometry.

Luckily I read this crappy book while reading on a beach with friends, and generally getting pretty spoiled by my Mom.  So, grumpy teenager reading couldn’t make me but so grumpy.

Mom wins Mom Points via baking.
Individual peach and blueberry cobblers for everyone.
Yes, seriously.


  1. Good for you writing what you really thought about this novel. I agree that something should happen that changes the characters or the world, whatever. Otherwise, what's the use of reading the book. You've saved me the waste of time it would be to read the book myself. Thanks.

  2. Thanks Barbara! Hopefully I've saved you a few bucks too. Read something better!

  3. I'll skip this one!! Waiting with bated breath for the next excellent book!!

    1. ha! I will try not to let the pressure get to me Nikki/Dennis/Carter Fam.

    2. While I'm waiting for the next blockbuster...what was the book you were telling me about - by the doctor from Africa?

    3. Nikki, I think you would like Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese.
