Saturday, July 9, 2011

I Judge Your TV Choices, Health Department Judges My Restaurant Choices

The other day I was reading this really boring article about how to sleep better.  I have no idea why I was reading it, since I am the best sleeper I know and would be willing to challenge any of you to a Sleep-Off.  (Conditions: 1. I get to sleep in my own bed 2. Somehow World’s Best Dog Norman doesn’t lick my hand 35 times in a row at 7 am.)
Anyway, this lousy article said that watching TV before bed could lead to restless sleep, since you could be watching a cop show or something stressful like the news.  (In the case of Richmond, they have a point since the top news stories are always about devastating kitchen situations in my favorite restaurants.)  The article recommended that you read before bed. 
First of all, duh.  I have been reading before bed since I was approximately zero years old.  And secondly, how could this writer assume that watching TV, which is often a mind numbing activity, be any more stressful than an action packed or suspense-filled novel?  I'm pretty sure actual scientists have looked at this and determined that your brain shuts off completely when watching TV. 
I would like this person to read Résistance: A Woman's Journal of Struggle and Defiance in Occupied France by Agnes Humbert before getting some shut eye.  It’s a sweet little biography about a political prisoner that was tortured in a Nazi concentration camp.  Take that, SVU!  I thought it was an interesting story, but when I lent it to my Mom recently, her review was a scrunched up nose that doesn’t translate well to blogging.  Whether you like the book or not it is not exactly a bedtime story, whereas I think whatever is going on with those Kardashian ladies could put you right to sleep. 

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