Friday, March 25, 2011

Reading Secrets Revealed

An added bonus for the ebook – secret reading.  In theory I could be reading, say, a very complex research report on my iPad.  So many graphs and charts!  Very important stuff.  But in reality I am just sneaking in a few pages of my novel while I have my morning coffee.  And then a quick look at my blog stats.  Oh good, still under the radar.
Ok, so I haven’t done that yet, but it just occurred to me while engaging in another procrastination activity (blogging).
I haven’t snuck around to read in a long time – I think I was reading Judy Blume under my quilt with a flashlight the last time it happened.    Luckily I haven’t matured too much since then, and engage in many of the same habits and activities, such as:
·         Spilling spaghetti sauce on my shirt almost every time I eat it.
·         Relishing in the fun of nail biting.
·         General clumsiness, with an emphasis on tripping.
So there you have it.  I’m still the same spaghetti-spilling, nail-biting, clumsy fool I’ve always been that has to sneak a read every once in awhile.  Or play a game of Angry Birds.

1 comment:

  1. I don't sneak reading any more but I will sometimes stay up late just to play "one" more game of free cell.
