Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blogger Spares Readership Boring Story; Takes Credit for Sacrifice

I hate hearing airport delay stories, because they are never interesting and I have pretty much heard or experienced all of it at this point.  With that same filter in mind, I will spare my readership the saga that played out last night as I tried to spend a gift card on  You are welcome, world!
Troubleshooting aside, I am now reading my first ebook using the Nook app on my iPad.  I am so modern.  Thirty-six pages in, here is my gut reaction list of pros and cons (subject to change).
·         Book purchases on a whim.
·         Book goes where the iPad goes.  (Insert complaint about no real lunch hour at work here.)
·         Blogging fodder.

I'm gonna lick your "book." 
·         Book purchases on a whim.
·         World’s Greatest Dog Norman’s ability to turn pages with his tongue.
·         I don’t care what the technology claims, I can’t easily lend this book.
·         iPad is not a book. 
·         Bookshelf is confused.

Folks, I will keep you posted as this story develops.

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