Monday, March 14, 2011

Final Mention of Vacation, Then Officially Moving On

Dearest readers, I promise I am not rubbing your noses in my recent travels, but when you start a blog about reading a mere two weeks after a vacation where that’s pretty much all you did – it tends to come up.  But rest assured that this will be my final reference to our Caribbean jaunt, and there will be no further descriptions of crystal clear water, white sand beaches, and an endless supply of Coronas.
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On to the business of reading.  The second book I tackled on vacation was actually borrowed from my friend Erin, who got it as a gift from loyal follower #3 Beth Garrett. The Girls by Lori Lansens was an excellent (fictional) read about an unusual topic – a pair of conjoined craniopagus twins.  Or, as I always knew them, Siamese twins.  I really enjoyed the book – it was a wonderful beach read.  As the pages flew by I started to get nervous that I would finish it as a teary mess on the plane home.  I knew if I cried reading this book – especially in public – Andrew would laugh at me hysterically, which would make me fake mad and I would end up laughing too, thus ruining my sentimental book moment. 
I have cried at books on planes many-a-time, but usually no one notices.  I tend to ignore the person next to me and work hard to seem as unwelcoming to conversation as possible.  (Notable exception and true story: A man sitting next to me was trimming his fingernails and I asked him to stop, informing him he was gross.  He denied my request and pointed out it wasn’t “getting on me.” Hence my hesitation to befriend on-plane weirdos.)
Fortunately in this case, my teary moment happened in the comfort of my own home shortly after returning.  This still resulted in my husband laughing at me, but with fewer witnesses since World’s Best Dog Norman was maiming a toy at the time.  To each his own. 


  1. This comment was going to be about crying while reading a book and how mad I get when my husband is around to ruin the moment but OH MY GOD NAIL CLIPPING GUY!! I just can't move on from that.

  2. Yes, it's amazing I can still fly anywhere.
