Friday, June 24, 2011

Laziness That Will Astound You & Maybe Even Impress A Couple Of You

I am one lazy Bookworm. This week I have found myself struggling to do things like switch from sitting in a chair to laying down, getting up to fetch a beer from the cooler 2 feet away, and yes even updating my beloved blog. I aim to right all three of these wrongs today by tanning my back, drinking tons of beers and of course this blog entry. Please appreciate my Go Get 'Em Attitude.

One thing that takes very little effort is finishing a good book like The Concubine's Children by Denise Chong. I did this during my aforementioned sitting down, which occurred on the beach in Corolla, NC. By now you know that I love a good sob story, and for some reason read about China on vacation. (Please see fancy new "Popular Posts" section on the right for reference.). This book checks both boxes, though it didn't make me cry so much as angry at bad parenting, which is a subset I enjoy within the broader "sob story" category. Plus, it has the added bonus of being a true story, so it's good to know that this hard drinking pretty slutty concubine was the real deal. She could be President and CEO of The Bad Girls if that exclusive club was also into child neglect, which it is not.

I am contemplating a switch from sitting to standing, and will therefore leave this post a cliffhanger. Will she stand? The world may never know.

1 comment:

  1. I have read this post three times ... That's how much I love it
