Friday, May 6, 2011

Blogger Risks Outrage From Flagging Readership; Bravery Likely To Go Unnoticed

Since I am in the midst of enjoying a series of books written for teenagers (no, not The Babysitters Club), I’d like to set the record straight on something… controversial.  I don’t think my likely plummeting readership rate can really handle this, but I am going to say it anyway.
I hate Twilight.
Like a teenager, I read all of the books because of peer pressure.  All the girls at work were raving about these books and I thought to myself “I like books!” so I thought I would be cool and read them too.  Backfire.
I read all four (or are there 3?) in a row, which was probably my first mistake.  Boy are they repetitive.  Look Best Selling Author Whose First Name Is Spelled Wrong Stephenie Meyer, we understand that Edward is hot and his skin shines like diamonds.  You write about it for hundreds of pages in this freaking series.  It sounds gross to me, but I get the point and I would bet that the 12 year olds do too.
If I were a more analytical blogger, I’d probably dive into the similarities between our tomboy heroes Bella (Twilight) and Katniss (The Hunger Games).  But out of respect for what is left of my readership I will leave analysis to the 8th graders and stick to my core competency – snide remarks.

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