Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Self-Proclaimed Bookworm Confuses Classic Literature with Bad 90s Music

I am working in New York this week, which inevitably sounds more glamorous than it is.  Due to the long work hours, I have spent my free time snoozing more often than reading.  But I’ve had a classic NYC read with me, borrowed from Best Friend Kate.  Each time I snooze, I have Truman Capote’s Breakfast at Tiffany’s lying ignored on my night table / bed table / belly.  It’s a book of short stories, and I have made it through only the first so far, which is the book’s namesake. 
At 111 pages, it is kind of long for a short story and, um, kind of long in general.  I want to love this book because it makes me think of classy things like Audrey Hepburn and big diamonds and 1960s modern fashion.  I really loved In Cold Blood so I thought this was a surefire winner.  And also, I’m pretty sure this is a critically acclaimed book that is all famous and whatnot among the New York Magazine crowd.  But let’s be honest – I’m not in that crowd.  I am in the crowd that gave a rave review to a book called Kick Me and featured storylines about cross dressing and locker room showers.
So, here’s my honest opinion.  Breakfast at Tiffany’s has a good story, but I just don’t love it.  It drags on, and I think the editor could have gotten more aggressive.  I’m also embarrassed to admit I keep thinking of the song of the same name from 1995, which is really getting on my nerves.
Fortunately, I don’t think any readers of New York Magazine read this blog, or were considering me for book reviews.  Especially now that I’ve admitted to sleeping on the job.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, that is a disappointment! I love the movie, but I knew the book was different. Still...I wouldn't have expect it not to be good.
