Monday, October 3, 2011

Tale of a Reading Idiot

A view worth sharing.
It's never a good sign when your day
peeks at a roadside BK.

For 7.5 hours yesterday I stared at the back of a Budget rental truck that Andrew drove ahead of me down to Richmond.  Well, technically I spent about 90 seconds watching my husband eat an off-menu Rodeo Cheeseburger at Burger King in total bliss.  But most of the time was complete misery transporting a dining room table and a few other treasures home to the River City.

Before we left I did a quick search for free audiobooks online.  Apparently there are thousands of classic books that are now in the public domain and available for free.  So I downloaded an app called audiobooks for $1.99 and was involved in a classic case of getting what you pay for.

First off, you can volunteer to be the talent for one of these classic audiobooks, which tells you something about the quality.  The male voice sounded like me when reading The Foot Book to Andrew’s cousin Rose for the third time in a row.  Enthusiastic, but with a hint of boredom underneath.
Secondly, I somehow managed to select The Adventures of Tom Sawyer but accidentally only downloaded the first seven chapters.  Major fail.  Since I was driving alone, I had to supplement for five hours by listening to podcasts and singing along to my embarrassing music collection. Yes, some dance moves were involved.

Fortunately the beautiful table is now in our home.  I can’t wait to throw my unread mail on it. 

1 comment:

  1. I have a void in my soul that cannot be filled with enough rodeo cheeseburgers
