Monday, October 17, 2011

Get Off My Back, Lane

A fairly awful picture of me and my
"I don't have time to both read books
and your blog, Allison" friend Erin.

This past weekend was perfect.  We had beautiful fall weather which was ideal for some of my favorite autumn activities, including but not limited to: visiting a pumpkin patch, wearing flat boots, attending a music festival, drinking seasonal brews, walking my increasingly rotund doggy, oh and reading a Big Thick Book that I can’t read fast enough to appease readership.  Lane.

I was also lucky enough to attend the hit musical Wicked which I have wanted to see for, oh, about 7 years.  It took me that long to decide to spend $100 on the ticket, which is absurd considering how long I spend deciding to purchase a dress.  Fortunately the show was wonderful and worth the wait and I really do love most of my dresses.

I never read the book by Gregory Maguire the show was based on, but I have read his Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister which is the untold other side of the Cinderella story.  My advice is to wait until it becomes a hit musical, then complain about the cost of a ticket for seven years, and then go see it.  In book form, it’s a dud. Yay for theatre!

The fruits of very little labor on our part.
Pumpkin picking just wasn't the same without World's Best Dog Norman
rolling around in chicken poo like last year...


  1. SO jealous you saw Wicked (btw I actually really liked the book). Also, the matching husband/wife outfits adds a nice touch.

  2. Yeah, we do that every day. Today we are both in black pants and a purple scarf.
