Friday, October 7, 2011

Bookworm Bores Audience

I don’t know if you have noticed loyal followers, but I am in a bit of a reading rut.  A couple of duds in a row have me more interested in the new fall lineup on TV than reading.  Other excuses include: having a cold, and keeping up with 9 games of Words With Friends at once.  Yes, I have a problem.

I need a really good book to get me back in the groove.  The book I am reading now falls into the category of “easy read” but I totally hate it.  In fact, I may drop it altogether, which would make two abandoned books in a row, a real Bookworm Fail.  Can someone please recommend a title for me to pick up this weekend?  Or better yet, lend me a winner? 


  1. The Red Garden - I know I promised you a copy. I'll get it to you this weekend.

  2. 2 things:
    -I just noticed off to the right your post about me moving is considered a "popular post" Neat.
    -Have you read "The Crowning Glory of Calla Lily Ponder?" It once got me out a reading rut.

  3. Bad Girl - that would be fabulous. I would love to see you this weekend anyway.

    Queen - I got loads of hits from that post thanks to you posting it to FB. Apparently your friends are very loyal :) I have not read that one! I did like Ya Ya though, so I think I might have to order it... unless you move back and lend it to me?
