Monday, August 6, 2012

The Key With Kids Is To Give Winding Unclear and Wordy Direction, As Seen Here

Has anyone noticed that there has been, on average, one more audiobook than usual available for download from the Richmond Public Library?  That’s because I took a little hiatus from listening to books in exchange for napping.  But I’m back, as I have found audiobook listening to be a perfect activity to pair with nesting, the act of a mother-to-be looking at cute baby stuff on Pinterest.  In olden times, this term was used to refer to cleaning and organizing.  Silly pioneer women!

Ok, so about this week’s audiobook.  Several people – but most notably Top Blog Reader Kiley – have been surprised for years that I have never read the Harry Potter books.  I have never been interested in the Fantasy genre (and have lived to regret my brief foray into the Twilight series).  But when I saw that Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling was available to download, I thought I’d give it a listen.  I’d love to add 500 books to my To Read Pile.  (That’s how many are in the series, right?)

Turns out, I don’t care about wizards going to wizardry school and their dumb wizard problems.  This book was completely uninteresting.  I mean, wow.  I can’t believe how much people (mainly 10 year olds, Kiley) love this stuff.  I’d like to recommend they check out the Little House on the Prairie series by Laura Ingalls Wilder.  Wow, is that good stuff.  And based on true stories of suffering and overcoming hardship, which every kid should want to learn about.  At one point they lived in a hill! (On the Banks of Plum Creek, Book 4 in the series)  For Christmas they got a peppermint stick! (every single one of the books)  And, perhaps even more sad – no Pinterest.  How did they decorate their dirt walls?

Ok, ok I think kids reading books is good no matter what wizardry crap they are into.  I remember reading some (perhaps 100) pretty useless books about silly babysitters and their little babysitter problems.   And now I run a completely unsuccessful blog about reading books.  Aim high, kiddos!


  1. You know I am a devoted blog reader and for the most part will faithfully trust your book recos. But now I'm starting to question everything. HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE HARRY POTTER?!?!

    1. Dear Courtney,

      Can we please agree to disagree on kids books? I know your (intense) feelings on a certain vampire series also differ from mine.

      I have been thinking about your current reading and am excited about your next recco - I think you need a comedic break. Let's put this past us.


  2. How can you possibly call yourself an unsuccessful blog owner when you write brilliant pieces like this one (no sarcasm intended). You're funny, honest, succinct, and you love Pinterest!

    1. Debbie - this comment has gone directly to my head. Do bloggers ever wear crowns? I want to get one. Thank you for being one of my most faithful readers!

  3. For the record, Sandy Van Slyle is short for Sandwich Van Slyke.
