Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Erin #2 is #1 Book Recommender

Do you know what my favorite thing about the Cincinnati Airport is?  Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn.  This is a detail that won’t be covered in my upcoming social media campaign against Delta Airlines. 

Since I have a long-standing policy against airport stories, I will stick to books.  Gone Girl was recommended to me by Blog Reader And Expert Book Recommender Erin #2.  Erin has a remarkable success rate and she really outdid herself on this one.  Everyone should read this awesome book.  I was 100% riveted.  I wasn’t crazy about the ending, but the story is so damn smart all the way through that I still give it a million star rating. 

This book was so good that I described it in detail to Reluctant Listener and Blog Follower and Husband Andrew during a midnight drive from Washington, DC to Richmond brought to us by my good friends at Delta Airlines.  He even seemed to be listening as I rambled on about the intricacies of this incredible story. 

This is a great book for non-reader friends to make them fall in love with reading (yes, I am talking to you Lane).  It is also great for passive aggressive airport rage and house-cleaning avoidance – so I hear.


  1. Great timing I just got this ebook from the library!! Hoping for good naps for the kids this weekend so I can have quality reading time!

  2. Both the naps and the reading time sound good to me! Enjoy...
