Friday, January 6, 2012

I Did This For Courtney & General Book Loving

Chatting with Bookfriend and Blog Follower Natalie earlier this week, I pointed out that she is sorely behind on her own blog.  She informed me that I was the third person to point that out to her, and I was immediately jealous of her loyal following.

Directly after this, two people referred to my blog this week for book recommendations, and then told me about it.  I am overwhelmed with my own success and popularity.  Thank you to Loyal Follower Courtney and Possible Blog Stalker Dan for reading both books and blogs about books.

I love my loyal readers enough to want to spare them the task of actually reading this blog when they need a recommendation.  Therefore I now have a running list of recently read good books for your convenience running along the side.  I will update this sometimes.  Or maybe I will forget and then write a really boring blog about how someone noticed.  The options are endless!


  1. Yes! Love the side list. I'll still read your blog of course, but the quick reference is nice.

  2. Thanks Courtney! Can't wait to hear what you think of Freedom. Also on your Allison To Do list is play your turn at Words with Friends.

