Thursday, January 19, 2012

Noodle Arms Continue to Underwhelm

You know you have a good friend when you get a call from the bookstore and said friend asks what you want to read so she can buy it, read it and then lend it to you.  This makes up for relentless blog mocking.  So, thanks Erin for buying Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese.   And while we are at it, thanks for the Hardywood Gingerbread Stout.  It was delicious. 

Please note that this story was a clever way to both thank a friend and credit myself for selecting a fabulous book (that was originally recommended by my Mom).  I also managed to squeeze in a shout out to a local brewery – not sure if you picked up on that subtle mention, reader.

Cutting for Stone is a Big Thick Book that is a bit slow to get started, but proved to be well worth it.  This fictional story somehow makes you feel smarter - perhaps because it takes place in Ethiopia and is about smart doctors.  (Plus it is written by a smart doctor who also writes good books – is it fair for one dude to have this much talent?  Answer: no.  I would not want to be friends with this guy.)

This is a beautiful story that will make you cry unless you are super tough and can open beer bottles with your bicep.  Since I can do approximately ten girly-style push-ups with one break I was a teary-eyed mess.  

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