Monday, June 24, 2013

If You Have Nice Things To Say About United Airlines, This Isn’t The Book Blog For You

Last week I went on my first overnight trip since Jane was born.  I got to spend my night away in scenic central New Jersey, where the restaurants are BYOB and where you make big plans to go to bed early but work on a presentation until past bedtime and, as it turns out, several beers deep.  Also, without getting into detail, let’s just go ahead and add United to the Very Long List of America’s Most Hated Companies.  In my case, these are all airlines.

At least I got to spend some time in the Newark Airport finishing the highly anticipated (by me) book And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini.  I mean, if an airline is going to rob you of time with your precious baby whose first months are priceless and are gone before you know it, at least have a very good book on hand to pass the time.  Even if said book is not as good as his other two books The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns.   

This is a Very Good Book, but it didn’t all come together until very late in the game, and by that point I was really hungry and not in a great head space.  It is very tough to win me over in that mindset, but I still have a favorable opinion of Hosseini (again, not of United Airlines) and would happily read anything he writes.  Hopefully I will read his next book somewhere more pleasant – like on a beach, or my patio or the DMV.

Oddly astute security tub mocks Bookworm.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Blogger Already a Better Parent Than at Least One Other Person

On Friday, I rode on a plane for the first time in 6 months.  6 months.  I haven’t gone 6 months without taking a flight since I was 18.  The break was good.  So good, that I forgot you have to take your shoes off at security.  A TSA agent had to remind me.  I resisted the temptation to yell to everyone in line “I knew that!  I just had a baby!  I need to lose another 5 pounds!  I bought a one-piece bathing suit!!!” but luckily kept it together.

All this to say, I finished Falling Leaves: The Memoir of an Unwanted Chinese Daughter by Adeline Yen Mah on the plane.  This book was so, so sad.  (yes!)  First off, who doesn’t want a daughter?  Son, maybe, but daughter?  Girls are the absolute best.  I am currently raising one and let me tell you – girls are the way to go.  Don’t get me wrong, I know some sweet boys, but do they wear smocked dresses?  No.

This memoir made me mad because I wanted Adeline to stand up to her parents rather than constantly looking for their approval.  I know it is a cultural thing, but I will never understand how anyone can be so emotionally abused and still go back for more.  But I loved the way the story was told, and was impressed by all this poor girl achieved despite horrendous parenting.  And not I-Took-My-Infant-To-Greekfest-At-9pm type bad parenting.  But like, Hey-Go-Live-In-An-Orphanage-See-You-In-A-Few-Years type bad parenting.

I think I can beat that.

Smocked outfits are critical for raising smart, balanced young women.
Also, damn cute.

Yes, I seriously made this.