Saturday, January 19, 2013

Book Blog Unpopular Due to Lack of Writing Skills; Repeated Use of "Sucked"

Greetings, Bookworm Loyalists.  I have an announcement to make.

I have decided that my time is too valuable to waste on books that aren’t excellent.  As a Mama who could give birth as I write this post, I don’t have time to mess with authors who aren’t publishing their A-Game.  So I abandoned The Red House by Mark Haddon twelve pages in, despite having loved The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time years ago.  I could tell this book was going nowhere fast, and a quick look on Goodreads proved I was right.

Another announcement.  I don’t stick to my own advice. 

I finished Miss Timmons’ School for Girls by Nayana Currimbhoy because I couldn’t let myself abandon two books in a row (especially since I had purchased both).  Finishing this book has shown me what a terrible book reviewer I am.  I can’t seem to communicate why I didn’t like this book.  In theory, the plot was interesting – so why was I so bored by it? 

This is a real problem when you write a book blog and giving your opinion on books is the only point to it.  Reflecting back on my posts, books seem to fall into categories such as “sucked,” “just ok,” “pretty good” and “awesome.”  Take that analysis, New York Times.

As I finish up what feels like year three of being pregnant, I am open to any and all excellent book recommendations.  Also, books about lactating, baby sleep and How To Encourage Your Husband To Change Diapers-type manuals.  Also open to foot rubs, cake and not having to stand up for stuff.

Rare combination of brushed hair and standing up documented.
38 weeks pregnant.
37 weeks over it.


  1. So excited for you to birth that baby out. I came to your blog looking for some ways to use up some Audible credits. Any thoughts on a book that would SOUND good?
    And, I've read my fair share of baby books lately. If you're in to crunchy baby-rearing, you might like "The Baby Book." I also have really liked "The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding" if you plan to in fact feed with your breasts. Also, it's a bit late in the game, but the book "Ina May's Guide to Childbirth" is a wonderfully inspiring, totally hippie book about getting that baby out.
    You will be awesome and so will that baby!
    Jess Coppom
    (Yes, I'm signing my name like a parent signs a text, but that's simply because I'm having trouble entering my name in any of the comment field options...)

  2. So good to hear from you Jess! I listened to "Defending Jacob" by William Landay via audiobook and thought it was a good one. Not insanely long, fast moving plot, non-irritating author voice. It was a good listen. And I'm pretty sure it is on Audible.

    In more important news, your little Simone is adorable and I can't get enough of your beautiful photos. If I look half as good as you in my post-labor pics - or as if I still even like my husband - I will consider it a success.

    I am probably more into parenting guides for people who microwave their dinners, but will take a peek at the reads you mentioned since this whole Mom thing is changing me in ways I can't believe, so who knows. Yesterday I painted a flower pot.

    Thank you for reading and stay in touch! Oh, I also love your dig at blogspot, the worst blog site ever. I am impressed you could comment at all - you must be a genius.
