True story: someone
actually read this blog, made a comment, suggested a book, and then I read
it. That person was Loyal Reader
Jomo. The book was Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption
by Laura Hillenbrand.
I don’t know what’s
up with me reading books about plane crashes while on airplanes, but it’s been
happening. Due to my longstanding policy against boring airport stories, I won’t belabor my 24 hour journey to San Francisco last week beyond my font choices. But let’s just say the first 150 pages of
this book with lots of detailed info about aircraft wasn’t exactly what I
needed. Between this book, Tom Wolfe’s The Right Stuff and Ken Follett’s Hornet Flight I am pretty sure I could commandeer a plane. I have totally heard the word fuselage and
know it is important.
Once you get past
all of the technical stuff and a bunch of trial flights, the crash happens and
this book is GAME ON. I cannot believe
this dude survived his journey. And I had
no idea that the Japanese were so cruel to America POWs. Reading this I was filled with rage at the
Japanese (and frankly Delta, but as you can see I am totally over that).
I can see why Jomo
loved this book and think that Andrew would as well. It has the following Good Book Indicators for
these two longtime buddies:
- Main character was an Olympic runner, resulting in sports data and excitement. This is particularly key for a guy who only wears high school track t-shirts. (Yes, I am married to that guy.)
- War stuff
- Makes You Smarter
- Pictures (ok, photos – and I have to admit I like that they were interspersed throughout the book instead of just a mini-album in the middle that gives away future plot points)
All in all, great recommend Jomo. Consider this both a compliment as well as a
pandering device so you continue to read this blog.
When Wine Country is your final destination you eventually get over airport woes, fury at Japanese. |