Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Books / Airplanes / Boys / Wine

True story:  someone actually read this blog, made a comment, suggested a book, and then I read it.  That person was Loyal Reader Jomo.  The book was Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption by Laura Hillenbrand.

I don’t know what’s up with me reading books about plane crashes while on airplanes, but it’s been happening.  Due to my longstanding policy against boring airport stories, I won’t belabor my 24 hour journey to San Francisco last week beyond my font choices.  But let’s just say the first 150 pages of this book with lots of detailed info about aircraft wasn’t exactly what I needed.  Between this book, Tom Wolfe’s The Right Stuff  and Ken Follett’s Hornet Flight I am pretty sure I could commandeer a plane.  I have totally heard the word fuselage and know it is important.

Once you get past all of the technical stuff and a bunch of trial flights, the crash happens and this book is GAME ON.   I cannot believe this dude survived his journey.  And I had no idea that the Japanese were so cruel to America POWs.  Reading this I was filled with rage at the Japanese (and frankly Delta, but as you can see I am totally over that).

I can see why Jomo loved this book and think that Andrew would as well.  It has the following Good Book Indicators for these two longtime buddies: 
  • Main character was an Olympic runner, resulting in sports data and excitement.  This is particularly key for a guy who only wears high school track t-shirts.  (Yes, I am married to that guy.)
  • War stuff
  • Makes You Smarter
  •  Pictures (ok, photos – and I have to admit I like that they were interspersed throughout the book instead of just a mini-album in the middle that gives away future plot points)

All in all, great recommend Jomo.  Consider this both a compliment as well as a pandering device so you continue to read this blog.

When Wine Country is your final destination you eventually
get over airport woes, fury at Japanese.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Together At Last

Two of my favorite things together at last in one display at Anthropologie.  Apparently reading material is the ultimate décor in this town, in which case San Franciscans would just love what we have done with our dining room table!

Shoe rests atop books.
Bookworm buys sweet iPhone case instead.

Friday, January 27, 2012

So Here’s a New One For Ya

If you own a bar or restaurant and want a pretentious way to give patrons their check, take a cue from the Tipsy Pig in San Francisco.  I demanded that Kate and I visit this spot after having their bruschetta with peas on it the last time I was in town.  That’s right, peas.  This is just one example of how San Francisco is better than other places.

I don't think the waitress had quite finished this book yet.

Baby Asher is about to eat the shit out of some bananas.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Confessions Dumped Into Poor, Unsuspecting Internet

When Andrew is out of town I like to watch girly movies that he won’t watch.  This Saturday, I finally got to see Jane Eyre, which I have wanted to see for a long time.

Loyal readers and anyone who knows me realizes how cool I was in high school.  As such, one of my favorite books was Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë even though it was required reading.  I went through a major English lit phase, loving Jane Austen, Thomas, Hardy, the Brontës… sorry I just realized that even admitting this here on a poorly led blog is probably detrimental to my current social life.  (aka Taco Night at the Garrett’s)

So, back to movies!  I liked Jane Eyre because it reminded me of a book I loved.  I don’t think any of you would be into it.  It’s fairly slow, long and has the occasional subtitle.  There are no explosions, swear words, nude scenes or shopping montages.  Hey, I know my audience. 

Saturday, January 21, 2012


This week’s newest web addiction for me has been Pinterest.  Mom, Pinterest is a website that allows you to display anything you find on the web and think it is cool.  Where else can I see what shoes the Girl I Used To Work With wishes she could afford?  Or how Andrew’s Friend From College wants to decorate her baby’s room?  A brilliant use of my time to be sure.

Okay, sarcasm aside (bear with me a second here) it does have a couple of cool uses.  First, it is a good place to get (and help your self remember) ideas for parties and home décor.  Second, Book Friend Courtney (and coincidentally Girl I Used To Work With, but not the one I had in mind when making jab above) has made a joint board where she and I can add books we want to read or recommend.  Somehow we have 133 followers in just a week, which I am sure is wholly her influence.

So find us on Pinterest if connecting through Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Foursquare, Google+, Instagram, my blog and Good Reads isn’t working for you.  I am seriously available.

Oh, I also have a phone.  Kiley.

Source: imgur.com via Allison on Pinterest

Katherine (formerly known as Bad Girl Numero Uno) and I are making this happen for a friend’s baby shower.  Before you judge, please note the friend is a guy reaping the benefits of his wife’s pregnancy.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Noodle Arms Continue to Underwhelm

You know you have a good friend when you get a call from the bookstore and said friend asks what you want to read so she can buy it, read it and then lend it to you.  This makes up for relentless blog mocking.  So, thanks Erin for buying Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese.   And while we are at it, thanks for the Hardywood Gingerbread Stout.  It was delicious. 

Please note that this story was a clever way to both thank a friend and credit myself for selecting a fabulous book (that was originally recommended by my Mom).  I also managed to squeeze in a shout out to a local brewery – not sure if you picked up on that subtle mention, reader.

Cutting for Stone is a Big Thick Book that is a bit slow to get started, but proved to be well worth it.  This fictional story somehow makes you feel smarter - perhaps because it takes place in Ethiopia and is about smart doctors.  (Plus it is written by a smart doctor who also writes good books – is it fair for one dude to have this much talent?  Answer: no.  I would not want to be friends with this guy.)

This is a beautiful story that will make you cry unless you are super tough and can open beer bottles with your bicep.  Since I can do approximately ten girly-style push-ups with one break I was a teary-eyed mess.  

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Oh Good There’s More Crap On TV

This Bookworm couldn’t resist checking out the pilot episode of Are You There Chelsea? based on Chelsea Handler’s book Are You There Vodka?  It’s Me, Chelsea. 

Handler writes funny, trashy true stories about her drunken, slutty life. Unfortunately these tales are now produced by NBC and told by Laura Prepon acting as Chelsea.  Not surprisingly, this recipe doesn’t really work.  Without Handler delivery and rampant use of the word “f*ck” this thing falls totally flat.  

Does anyone think Prepon is a good actress?  I think she just projected her voice really well in high school theatre and can wear pretty much any hair color so now she is famous.  This level of thorough critique astounds even me.