Saturday, January 21, 2012


This week’s newest web addiction for me has been Pinterest.  Mom, Pinterest is a website that allows you to display anything you find on the web and think it is cool.  Where else can I see what shoes the Girl I Used To Work With wishes she could afford?  Or how Andrew’s Friend From College wants to decorate her baby’s room?  A brilliant use of my time to be sure.

Okay, sarcasm aside (bear with me a second here) it does have a couple of cool uses.  First, it is a good place to get (and help your self remember) ideas for parties and home décor.  Second, Book Friend Courtney (and coincidentally Girl I Used To Work With, but not the one I had in mind when making jab above) has made a joint board where she and I can add books we want to read or recommend.  Somehow we have 133 followers in just a week, which I am sure is wholly her influence.

So find us on Pinterest if connecting through Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Foursquare, Google+, Instagram, my blog and Good Reads isn’t working for you.  I am seriously available.

Oh, I also have a phone.  Kiley.

Source: via Allison on Pinterest

Katherine (formerly known as Bad Girl Numero Uno) and I are making this happen for a friend’s baby shower.  Before you judge, please note the friend is a guy reaping the benefits of his wife’s pregnancy.

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