Friday, August 26, 2011

Bookworm Does What It Takes

Before You Know Kindness by Chris Bohjalian is a good book, and is going immediately into my girl reading rotation (Jenny, Mom, Erin – it’s headed your way).  Although I really liked this book, I still think the other books I have read by Bohjalian – were slightly better: Midwives and Trans-Sister Radio.  But all in all I like his Jodi Picoult-like style, and it was a great way to spend a weekend at the beach and a short flight to JFK.
…which led to an even longer flight to Prague.  Yes, I am in Prague.  And I spent my morning on a sunny boat ride down the Vltava River – or as I like to call it “building client relationships.”  And if that means we have to have 90 minute massages on Saturday, gosh darn it I will make it happen.  My career is just that important to me.
Bookworm & Client discuss important business initiatives.

Background for said important business initiatives.

Monday, August 22, 2011

A Reading Olympics Of Sorts

Andrew and I spent this weekend in Virginia Beach visiting my family with our friends.  Unbeknownst to them, it was a Reading Olympics.

Most of the crew reading on the beach,
while Jim mans the more important task of
Championship Sandwich Making back at the house.
Event #1: Reading at the beach.  In this event, morning beers were key for ultimate relaxation.  Occasional Blog Reader Erin started off behind in this event since she forgot her sunglasses, but Teammate, Blog Reader and Stepdad Jim lent a pair in a demonstration of team spirit.
Event #2: Reading on the porch.  In this brief event, a rotating group of teammates participated, while others showered or prepared dinner, respectively.
Event #3:  In the trickiest event, participants read on a bobbing fishing boat while maintaining slight hangovers. 
So much reading!  And what were these books you ask?
Mom: The Invisible Bridge by Julie Orringer.  An excellent recommend from this Bookworm. 
Andrew: A Wilbur Smith book – another in the Courtenay family series, which starts with As the Lion Feeds.
Erin: Popular Bookworm recommend Lost in Planet China by J. Maarten Troost.
Dave: Born to Run by Christopher McDougall, which I haven’t read but am dubious about due to a subject matter I have very little interest in. 
Jim:  I don’t know what he was reading but the cover was black with neon orange letters.  Based on the cover font alone I am guessing this is a book I will not read, but to each his own.  
And the winner of the reading Olympics is… well, me.  Since no one else knew they were participating and this is my blog.  Go USA!

The winner's seat. 
Somehow there was time to both win the
Reading Olympics and document.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bookworm Claims To Be At A Loss For Words – Is Never The Case

Jim the Boy by Tony Earley is a book.  That’s pretty much all I have to say about it, but I write a book blog so I feel the need to push myself to say more.  So… it’s about a boy named Jim. 
And there you have it.  This is a sweet little short book, possibly written for kids, that I am totally baffled by.  Baffled because it was lent to me by Blog Reader & Fuzzy Memories Guy Jed, who I can’t see reading this book.  Also baffled because the story had the elements of a good book, but I got the sense the author didn’t feel like developing them.   For example, Earley built up this Evil Grandfather Character…. and then Jim sees him through a window.  That’s it.  Then a friend of Jim’s gets polio, so he goes to visit him.  During the visit, his friend falls asleep and Jim leaves.  That’s it. 
I kept waiting for more story to come, or for there to be some big revelation at the end like Jim is blind and you have a good cry over it, but it never came and Jim can see just fine.  In which case I probably would tell Jim to skip this book and borrow one from me.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Readers Unite – Has Nothing To Do With Reading

My friends Kristen and Jed are readers.  In fact at their wedding in October, they are giving their favorite books to wedding guests as gifts.   But this bookworm won’t get to see this go down, because another friend (and Blog Follower Jomo) is getting married on the same day.  We are lucky to have so many great friends (and unlucky that they run their Fall Party schedule by us, but not their potential wedding dates).
Since we cannot attend the nuptials of Kristen and Jed, we threw them an engagement party this past weekend, co-hosted with two of Kristen’s college friends.  Here is how I know this party was a success:
1.        We drank all the beer. 
2.       We ate almost every bit of food.
3.       A dude named Tim put his face in the cake.
4.       Jed barfed in my front yard.
5.       The real grown-ups might still think we are classy young folks that have it together since they left before their son chucked it in the bushes.
The only reading I did this weekend was the following of recipes, but it was a weekend well worth it.  And don’t worry, I will be going back to my lame bookwormy lifestyle immediately.
This was taken during the short lived classy part of the evening.

Me and my co-hosts - Logan and Kate. 
These chicks are cool and fun.

I will miss not getting to see this guy at the wedding.
I bet he is a good dancer.

The only picture I took with both Kristen and Jed in it.
Oh look, and Norman!  What a cutie.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Reading From the 60s & Being an Idiot

Predictably as a Lady in Advertising, I am a big fan of Mad Men.  So I was super excited to hear from my mom that the show has released a summer reading list, based on the books read by characters in the show, and of course true to the time period.  I am embarrassed to say I have only read two books from the list: Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand (an all-time favorite) and The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner (an all-time least favorite.  Thanks required high school reading!)
And for the record, working in advertising is not all “you’re a genius, Don!” conversations and drinking scotch.  In my experience, it is more likely to be “you’re an idiot, Allison” conversations, and the occasional domestic light beer.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Honesty Chosen Over Blog Success

Since I seem dead set on alienating readers, I am providing the following info graphic for perusal:

I wish I had come up with this because it is hilarious.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Bad Novel & Dirty Kitchen Floor = Not My Best Wednesday Night

If I were you, I wouldn’t read Between Here and April by Deborah Copaken Kogan.  It is overly dramatic, depressing and the ending… well, the book just stopped.  It’s possible that they forgot to print the last chapter.  I rolled my eyes a lot, which is not easy to do when you are reading.  What can I say, I am a multi-tasker.
There is a big difference between a sad book and a depressing book in my mind.  I like to be inspired by sad stories of overcoming perseverance, especially when they are true.  But reading a fictitious novel about a yuppie who is unsatisfied and whiny about absolutely everything is just not really a good time.  Especially when this woman has a never ending list of troubles that range from minor to extreme.  Wow, really?  That one time you were gang raped by a group of Eastern Europeans doesn’t even come up until the last quarter of the book?  Ok fine, the complexities of your daughters bringing cupcakes to school just falls higher on your list.  Boy did that come up a lot.
Last night I scrubbed my kitchen floor and read this book.  The book part was better, but the mopping left me more satisfied.  Burn!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Reluctant Guest Post

Below is my first Guest Post from Anonymous Follower Lane Yates.  It has been copied and pasted from a gchat, like all literary commentary of note:    
“After merciless teasing from A OX, I finally broke down and read a book. I read The Help, but mostly because it is being turned in to a movie and I want to see the movie."
And there you have it folks.  A truly remarkable breakdown of modern literature that just oozes with respect for all things Bookworm.  You're a real piece of work, Lane!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Bookworm Gets On High Horse; Rides It

I'm not just jealous I can't afford
a Marc Jacobs bag*
*ok a little jealous about that

This ad offends me as a Bookworm, and as a Lady Who Works In Advertising.  The overt reference to the controversial novel Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov is about as subtle as a punch in the face.  And just as classy in my mind. 
Perhaps the marketing team was trying to get some buzz on moderately popular book blogs, in which case this constitutes success. 
As much as I appreciate both a literary reference and a beautiful perfume bottle, I wish Dakota Fanning’s parents had interjected on this one.  But maybe she was paid in purses, which would probably be hard to resist.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Mob Week on AMC Feels Like At Least A Month

I’ve often wondered what it is like to write a book.  Particularly a Big Thick Book.  I’m sure some kind of outline is written first so the plot is roughly figured out beforehand.  It probably changes as the writer gets to “know” the characters, but the rough storyline is likely sketched out before the actual writing of sentences begins in earnest.  (Unlike this blog I might add.  I have no idea where this is going.)
When reading my latest Big Thick Book, The Gold Coast I found myself thinking about author Nelson DeMille’s writing process.  For example, nothing happens in the first 248 pages.  Surprisingly this is okay, because his character building is so interesting and often funny.  And considering how much happens in the last 20 pages, I can’t help but wonder if DeMille sort of thought to himself “let’s get this show on the road” while he was pecking out page 734 and stubbing out a cigarette directly on his desk.  This is total conjecture since I don’t know this guy and have no clue if he smokes, or if he has a desk.
Bottom line, this is a good book and I think it would appeal to guys in particular because of the Mafioso storylines.  So Andrew, let’s agree to turn off Mob Week on AMC with promos by Rudy Giuliani and read The Gold Coast instead.  And by turn it off, I mean “fuhged-about-it.”

Saturday, August 6, 2011

I Knew There Was a Reason For All Those Martinis

Loyal readers may remember when I showed a large pitcher of pineapple martinis who was boss a few months ago.  The toast of that baby shower (and no one toasted more than me) is finally here!  Welcome to the world, Asher James Vidinsky!  You are so loved already.  And congrats to the happy parents, Nick & Kate for bringing such a beautiful little man into the world – he is ready for the bookshelf that has been stocked for months.
I am ready for books as soon as my eyes can open.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Friend Makes Departing Promise

Natalie, "may the odds be ever in your favor."
Book jokes!
photo credit: Lucky
It’s a sad day for any reader when they learn a book friend is moving.  Loyal Blog Reader Natalie is leaving Richmond for an exciting new life in Nashville. 
When losing a Book Friend, you may go through a rollercoaster of emotions.  Like panic – I thought we had plans to see The Hunger Games movie in March 2012?!  Or, do you think I’ll get my books back?  (Like South of Broad: A Novel by Pat Conroy which is a good read but as I’ve said it’s no The Prince of Tides.)
Maybe you’ll feel a sudden flood of honesty.  Natalie, I didn’t love The Zookeepers Wife by Diana Ackerman as much as you did.  I mean, it’s a good story but it started off too slow and it dragged a little!
All in all, you should focus on the good times.  Remember when you had to get up at 9 am on a Sunday to lend me an eBook on your Nook?  Ah, the good old days.
I am now gunning for Words With Friends Rival and Blog Reader Courtney to go see The Hunger Games with me in March.  Natalie, I hope you can join us.  Even if you cannot make the trip back, I will hold you to your promise of recruiting new blog followers.  Good luck making friends after that recommendation!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Blogger Makes Excuses; Forms Numbered List

Early last week, after two busy weekends in a row, Andrew and I had no real plans for this weekend. I envisioned lounging, giving World’s Best Dog Norman belly rubs, and making significant progress on my Big Thick Book. Here are the top 3 reasons that didn’t happen this weekend:

1. Impromptu Goodbye – I spent most of Saturday grocery shopping, food prepping, and preparing my house for a semi-impromptu goodbye party for a friend. It’s amazing when you try to view your own house through someone else’s eyes to get it “ready.” Have we had a tomato-growing box set in our dining room all summer? The answer is yes. Anyway, an evening of good friends, food and casual low stakes dice gambling made it all worth it.

2. Impromptu Birthday – On Sunday, we went out to Goochland for a family afternoon of roast beef, ice cream cake and swimming pool splash festival to celebrate Non-Blog Reader Brian’s birthday. Nothing makes me look better in a bikini that a pre-pool meal of beef and potato salad.

3. Impromptu Photo Session – Despite the lack of reading time, I always find time to take photos like this:
Norman enjoys new rug; looks cool in wayfarers