Sunday, August 18, 2013

Not an Oscar Film, But Maybe a Peoples’ Choice?

So here’s the deal.  I still want to be rich and famous by blogging, but I finished Moloka'i by Alan Brennert last week and completely forgot to blog about it.  That is going to be a dramatic scene when reenacted in Paperback Bookworm: A Feature Film.  Starring Parker Posey.  And love interest Paul Rudd.

Where was I?  Or right.  I finished a book last week.  And it was a good one.  Ever read about a leper colony?  Me neither.  This was a fictional story, but well told.  Probably could have been a bit shorter – seemed to drag a bit at the almost-end – but I still give it a very solid score.  If I had a scoring system like the more organized, successful book blogs.  The ones starring Jennifer Lawrence in the feature film.  With love interest Ryan Gosling. 

I don’t go to the movies anyway.

In other news, my kid wore some bug shirts this week.  And will play herself in the movie.  No one else could nail it.

Bugs & bows promise to melt millions of hearts.
Blockbuster hit, Summer 2014.