Sunday, March 10, 2013

Great, Here She Goes With the Mom Stuff

Most of my reading lately has been googling things like “if a 6 week old is addicted to her pacifier can she still one day go to college?”  My biggest concern of course – pacifiers aside – is how to maintain this blog without becoming a so-called “mom blogger” and offending the one or two readers that hopefully remain.  Though I hope to one day return to my former self – a person who showers daily, uses a hairbrush and eats dinners prepared on her own stove – for now, I am just a new-mom zombie.  Sorry, but those are the facts.

That said, of course I am reading – but likely not finishing – the pretty annoying book Secrets of the Baby Whisperer: How to Calm, Connect, and Communicate with Your Baby by Tracy Hogg & Melinda Blau.  Though I have fully bought into their idea of establishing a routine, I think the book could have been written in about 3 single-spaced pages with generous margins.  A quick description of the routine and the chart about Why My Baby Is Crying is really all I needed.  Everything else I can Google and read mom posts with acronyms I don’t know or understand.

I wish Ken Follett wrote books about raising children.

Blogger is not above posting pic of her cute kid to boost readership.
Note proximity of pacifier to cute kid.